a Subscription that frees you from ownership constraints
Zero constraints
Choose each month whether to keep, change or cancel your subscription
Zero waste
Protect the environment by choosing our used products, which we call PreLoved
Zero surprises
Free yourself from worries. The insurance is included in your budget, forever!
one subscription / endless possibilities
If you are looking for tech products, you are in the right place
Find the product you need with our SubbyxMatch and choose the right subscription for you.
Among our proposals, you find the PreLoved, products tested and guaranteed by Subbyx, perfectly functional.
Every 12 months something beautiful happens :)
If you choose the Teddyx plan, keep the product and your monthly subscription will cost always less!
With Johnnyx your subscription remains the same, we update the device with the next model!
This is how you protect the environment and your wallet
By trading in your current device, you lower the subscription by up to 33%!
We refurbish it and give it a new life among our PreLoved proposals.
choose the plan that suits your needs
Keep the same product and lower the rate every year
Cancel whenever you want
Full damage protection included
The best choice if you want to pay less for your subscription over time!
Starting from 🤯 oh no... Going down from!
Cancel whenever you want
Full damage protection included
The best choice to always keep up with the times.
My model is already outdated 🤯 oh no!
what are you looking for?
No worries

Did you just get the latest model but a new one came out?

It broke and you hadn't anticipated the new expense?

Are you tired of that model but there's a * that forces you to keep it?

Did you think it was the right product for you, but now you want another one?
we believe in a more sustainable consumption model
What motivates usWe offer a service that takes into account your needs of today and can adapt to those of tomorrow
We believe that reusing, regenerating and disposing are opportunities and not a cost to avoid
Avoid indebting yourself and being bound to meet your needs: subscribe to freedom
our commitment to the environment doesn't end here
We are part of 1% for the Planet, a global non-profit network that generates a positive impact for people and the environment
Learn more